Are Open-Source Cameras the Wave of the Future?

A team of computational photography researchers at Stanford University are working on an open-source camera which allows the user to control how the camera records a scene. Some of these controls can (in theory) even be applied after the image is captured – referring to controls not currently provided by shooting RAW images. Watch the video for the description in a nutshell.

Stanford photo scientists are out to reinvent digital photography with the introduction of an “open-source” digital camera…”

I love open-source projects (at least in principle), but I have somewhat mixed feelings about the paths traveled by photography and technology as the two advance. I appreciate the technology side, but hope that photography doesn’t simply evolve (or is that “devolve”) into “digital manipulation”. There are several ways to appreciate and interpret all of this I think. Check it out here. What do you think?

Posted on Sunday, September 13, 2009 in Gear • (2) Comments


Posted on 13 Aug 2010 at 6:50 pm 1.  Canon Rebel G

I love the open project. Any updates on this? Hope it push through and see the new evolution on photography.

Posted on 13 Aug 2010 at 9:47 pm 2.  Dale Allyn

I’ve heard nothing recently. Digital photography has taken several turns within the last year.

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